Platinum Health delivers Pulsed Neurocare Technology for Neuropathy Relief

Platinum Health delivers Pulsed Neurocare Technology for Neuropathy Relief

Platinum Health now offers the state-of-the art Pulsed Neurocare boots with the superior Surface Mounted Diode (SMD) technology that provides significantly superior clinical results over old-style devices. Previously unavailable to the public, this breakthrough technology allows neuropathy sufferers to take control of their own treatment in the comfort and privacy of their own home.

Pulsed Neurocare therapy has been carefully calibrated to capitalize on the synergy created when red light bathes the cells at the perfect frequency for neuropathy relief. This dynamic energy delivery system is unique to pulsed devices and is the primary reason for its superior effectiveness. It’s a breakthrough phenomenon that older generation red light technology simply can’t match to successfully relieve the most debilitating symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

The Pulsed Neurocare system was designed by a team of healthcare professionals right here in the USA. The advanced, easy-to-use 2-channel controller comes pre-loaded with the protocols proven most effective against peripheral neuropathy ailments. 

Visit the Pulsed Neurocare product page to learn more about this breakthrough technology.

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